It is our responsibility as Christians to reach out to the lost and dying world, to expose evil and defend righteousness.
We do this by the power of the gospel which is the only means by which someone can be truly saved from their sin and healed from their iniquities. Love is our motivation in our attempt to reach the women who believe abortion is their “choice”.
”For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
Jesus, Paul, the apostles, the early church fathers and apologists were all bold in their proclamation of truth. Our calling is the same. Approximately 3,500 babies are murdered each day, we are not called to sit back and relax but to be bold and speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Just as the abolitionists of the nineteenth century sought to abolish the evil of their day, human slavery. Abolitionists today seek to abolish one of the greatest evils of our day, human abortion.
Why do we call ourselves abolitionists?
Just as the Abolitionist of the eighteenth century worked to abolish human slavery, the abolitionists of today work to abolish human abortion. Abolitionists in America arose as prophets of protest in the nation demanding that the abominable sin of slavery must be abolished. They formed numerous local Abolitionist Societies that spread across the North and the South, engaging in “tract warfare” against the pro-slavery misinformation created by the “peculiar institution’s” apologists. The conversion of the churches to the cause of abolition was the first and most persistently pursued goal of their movement.
The cry of these reformers was that slavery was a national sin and that their entire culture was guilty of it. The Abolitionists demonstrated the utter inconsistency of the slave system in America with the teachings of Christ. They believed the Bible’s claim that all men possessed the image of God was “a death-blow to all claims of superiority, to all charges of inferiority, to all usurpation, to all oppressive dominion.”
Slavery was a product of the “way of death”, and the American Abolitionists were determined to bring it into conflict with true, “practical Christianity”. In doing this, they turned their would upside down

“But, if they are men if they are to run the same career of immorality with ourselves if the same law of God is over them as over all others; if they have souls to be saved or lost; if Jesus included them among those for whom he laid down his life; if Christ is within many of them ‘The Hope of Glory’; then, when I claim for them all that we claim for ourselves, because we are created in the image of God, I am guilty of no extravagance, but am bound, by every principle of honour, by all the claims of human nature, by obedience to almighty God, to ‘remember them that are in bounds as bound with them,’ and to demand their immediate and unconditional emancipation.” – William Lloyd Garrison
William Lloyd Garrison
Leading Voice of the 19th Century American Abolitionist
Abolitionists take no part in the unfruitful deeds of darkness but instead expose them.
Abolitionists are those who adopt an uncompromising spirit in the face of prevailing injustices and boldly declare that they will not go with the multitude to permit evil (Exodus 23:2). They are those who refuse to sit idly by while oppression, violence, and vice run rampant in their culture (Isaiah 10:1-4).
Abolitionists are driven by a desire to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God (Micah 6:8). Abolitionists are not interested in merely abstaining from evil themselves, but are committed to exposing evil and bringing it into conflict with the truth of Christianity (Ephesians 5:11). Abolitionists seek to bring justice to the fatherless and help to the helpless (Isaiah 1: 16-17).
At the root of all abolitionist movements you will find the presence of two interrelated theological propositions. The first is that human beings are created in the image of God and created to reflect that image. The second is that the Creator himself became a man in order to rescue mankind from sin, self-destruction, death, and eternal separation from God.
The work of abolition has been carried out over the centuries in obedience to the Biblical command to love one’s neighbor as themselves and glorify God with all one’s heart, soul, and mind. Abolitionism is the expression of vital Christianity in a culture that enslaves and murders image bearers of God and the neighbors we are commanded to love (Matthew 22:37-39). Abolitionists have attempted to “rescue those who are being taken away to death” and “hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter” (Proverbs 24:11-12). Abolitionists have been committed to the practice of “true religion”: caring for the fatherless, assisting widows, and keeping themselves unstained by the world (James 1:27). Abolitionists boldly engage in the work of fighting evil head-on, but they also commit to helping those caught up in the injustices they seek to remove from the culture.
The principal focus of abolitionists today is the legalized practice of human abortion. Believing that abortion is the most vicious act of dehumanization, spiritual oppression, and physical destruction being carried out in our world today, we are once again seeking to provoke a clash of world-views between the Gospel of Christ and the worldly wisdom of man. By bringing today’s culture of death into conflict with vital Christianity, we are seeking to create a broad culture of dissent which will lead to the abolition of legalized child-sacrifice in America.
We do not believe that the planned-and-paid-for-murder of any unborn human being is ever morally justified.
Abortion is never the right choice, never the only option, and never the best solution to any situation. Every abortion that occurs ends the life of a child who has been abandoned by their father, betrayed by their mother, and forsaken by our society. In this way, abortion is an affront to God and a violation of his law. To do nothing about it is a failure to obey Christ’s command that we love our neighbors.
Jesus Christ called us to care for the weakest members of our society, not abandon them to destruction. Undoubtedly, this includes the children killed by abortion. Children conceived in rape and incest deserve our protection and adoption. Children diagnosed with serious developmental abnormalities deserve our compassion and assistance. We are to care for the fatherless and the infirm, not abandon them to violence at the hands of well-paid strangers.
We are once again seeking the redemption of man from the dominion of man.
Mothers and fathers do not own their pre-born children like property, and have no right to determine whether they live or die. In the manner of earlier abolitionists, we are calling on our culture to Repent! Abortion is sin and we are all guilty of participating in its continued cultural prevalence.